The word 'family' has been taken from the Roman word 'famulus', meaning a servant and a Latin word 'familia', meaning household. Family is the first and foremost institution. It is the oldest among the other institutions. Though the family has undergone many changes, yet it is the backbone of our social structure.
- Maclver and Page - "Family is a group defined by a sex relationship sufficiently precise and enduring to provide for the procreation and upbringing of children".
- Kingsley Davis - "Family is a group of persons whose relations to one another are based upon consanguinity and who are therefore kin to one another".
- Elliott and Merrill - "Family is a biological social unit composed of husband, wife and children".
- Murdock - "Family is a social group characterised by common residence, economic cooperation and reproduction".
Salient Features/Characteristics:
According to J.L. Rachroo, "Family is a universal concept. The sexual urge of men and women, the desire of woman to bear a child, of man to perpetuate his line and of both to look after their procreation, coupled with desire of economic security for leisure and pleasure on the basic of division of labour may have contributed to the origin of the family. Sexual urge, the consequent affinity and the socio-economic expedieny appear to be the basics of this institution".
- Universality
- Fixed habitation
- Financial provision
- Limited size and nucleus
- Emotional basis
- Sense of responsibility among members
- Social regulation
- Closed Group
- Permanency and temporariness
- Persistence and change
- Educative role
- A mating relationship
- A form of marriage
Different sociologists have classified the functions of family differently. Maclver and Page divide the functions of the family into two broad categories : 1)Essential; and 2)Non-essential. Under essential functions he includes three functions,namely - 1) Stable satisfaction of sex need; 2)production and rearing of children; and 3)provision of home. Under the non-essential functions, he includes religious, educational, economic and recreational and other functions.
#1 Essential Functions (biological functions)
a)Satisfaction of sex needs - Satisfaction of sex instinct brings the desire for life long partnership among males and females. The modern family satisfies the sex needs in a greater degree.b)Production and rearing of children - The inevitable result of sexual satisfaction is procreation. The task of race perpetuation has always been an important function of the family. Family is an institution par excellence for the production and rearing of children.
c)Provision of home and minimum basic facilities - It is the responsibility of the head of family to provide some minimum basic facilities to the members of the family, namely, those of food, clothing and shelter. The family members should cooperate with the head in using, sharing and maintaining them. The desire for a home is a powerful incentive for man as well as woman to live in and lead peaceful family life along with their children.
d)Giving love and sympathy - Family is in fact the most important cooperative society where one member helps the others. All members of family are supposed to solve each other's problems with a sympathetic and careful attitude. Children require love and affection from their parents. Similarly, husband and wife want love from each other.
e)Socialisation - The main function of the family is socialisation. Family transmits the moral ideas of group to its members. Socialisation is nothing but acclimatisation of the children to the society. Through language and their action, a child is able to learn about various customs and traditions of the society. It is the family that socialises the new generation.
f)Protection of young - The family has to protect the child as he cannot protect himself as he is open to every risk and danger till he is in a position to protect himself.
#2 Non-essential Functions
a)Economic Functions - Previously family was an economic unit. It was a center of both production & consumption. It used to fulfill the economic needs of its members such as food, clothing, housing etc. To maintain the family all the members take up responsibility and work cooperatively. The family used to follow simple division of labour i.e. women engaged themselves in all domestic work and the men work outside. The family was economically self-sufficient. But today, the situation has changed. The modern family is more a consumption unit than a production one. In many respect, the family is slowly transferring its economic functions to the external agencies.b)Educational Function - As an educational institution family used to teach the knowledge, skill and trade secret. The child learns the first letters under the direct supervision of the family members. All sorts of informal education i.e. manners, equates, discipline, obedience etc. the child receives from the family. Family also teaches morality, honesty, loyalty etc.Today, many of the educational functions of the family have been taken over by the schools, still it has increased the family's responsibility for the education of the children. No-a-days, the learning activities of the children are taking place mostly under alert supervision of the family members.c)Religious Functions - Family is a center of religious activity. All the family members together perform all religious ceremony at home. The children learn various religious virtues from their parents. The elder family members use to teach the children the religious values, morals etc. Thus, family helps in transmitting the religious belief from one generation to another.d)Recreational Functions - Family is one of the most important centers of recreation. It provides various entertainments to its members. Members of the family sit together, gossip, play, make jokes visit family relation for a change, interact with small children, observe different types of festivals etc. In this way, family provides reservation to all of its members.e)Function relating to health - Family not only rears the small children but also takes care of both young and old. It looks after the health of its member. It takes care of sick and disabled persons. As a whole, family takes up the responsibility of health and vigour of its member.
Salient Features/Characteristics:
According to J.L. Rachroo, "Family is a universal concept. The sexual urge of men and women, the desire of woman to bear a child, of man to perpetuate his line and of both to look after their procreation, coupled with desire of economic security for leisure and pleasure on the basic of division of labour may have contributed to the origin of the family. Sexual urge, the consequent affinity and the socio-economic expedieny appear to be the basics of this institution".
- Universality
- Fixed habitation
- Financial provision
- Limited size and nucleus
- Emotional basis
- Sense of responsibility among members
- Social regulation
- Closed Group
- Permanency and temporariness
- Persistence and change
- Educative role
- A mating relationship
- A form of marriage
Different sociologists have classified the functions of family differently. Maclver and Page divide the functions of the family into two broad categories : 1)Essential; and 2)Non-essential. Under essential functions he includes three functions,namely - 1) Stable satisfaction of sex need; 2)production and rearing of children; and 3)provision of home. Under the non-essential functions, he includes religious, educational, economic and recreational and other functions.
#1 Essential Functions (biological functions)
a)Satisfaction of sex needs - Satisfaction of sex instinct brings the desire for life long partnership among males and females. The modern family satisfies the sex needs in a greater degree.b)Production and rearing of children - The inevitable result of sexual satisfaction is procreation. The task of race perpetuation has always been an important function of the family. Family is an institution par excellence for the production and rearing of children.
c)Provision of home and minimum basic facilities - It is the responsibility of the head of family to provide some minimum basic facilities to the members of the family, namely, those of food, clothing and shelter. The family members should cooperate with the head in using, sharing and maintaining them. The desire for a home is a powerful incentive for man as well as woman to live in and lead peaceful family life along with their children.
d)Giving love and sympathy - Family is in fact the most important cooperative society where one member helps the others. All members of family are supposed to solve each other's problems with a sympathetic and careful attitude. Children require love and affection from their parents. Similarly, husband and wife want love from each other.
e)Socialisation - The main function of the family is socialisation. Family transmits the moral ideas of group to its members. Socialisation is nothing but acclimatisation of the children to the society. Through language and their action, a child is able to learn about various customs and traditions of the society. It is the family that socialises the new generation.
f)Protection of young - The family has to protect the child as he cannot protect himself as he is open to every risk and danger till he is in a position to protect himself.
#2 Non-essential Functions
a)Economic Functions - Previously family was an economic unit. It was a center of both production & consumption. It used to fulfill the economic needs of its members such as food, clothing, housing etc. To maintain the family all the members take up responsibility and work cooperatively. The family used to follow simple division of labour i.e. women engaged themselves in all domestic work and the men work outside. The family was economically self-sufficient. But today, the situation has changed. The modern family is more a consumption unit than a production one. In many respect, the family is slowly transferring its economic functions to the external agencies.b)Educational Function - As an educational institution family used to teach the knowledge, skill and trade secret. The child learns the first letters under the direct supervision of the family members. All sorts of informal education i.e. manners, equates, discipline, obedience etc. the child receives from the family. Family also teaches morality, honesty, loyalty etc.Today, many of the educational functions of the family have been taken over by the schools, still it has increased the family's responsibility for the education of the children. No-a-days, the learning activities of the children are taking place mostly under alert supervision of the family members.c)Religious Functions - Family is a center of religious activity. All the family members together perform all religious ceremony at home. The children learn various religious virtues from their parents. The elder family members use to teach the children the religious values, morals etc. Thus, family helps in transmitting the religious belief from one generation to another.d)Recreational Functions - Family is one of the most important centers of recreation. It provides various entertainments to its members. Members of the family sit together, gossip, play, make jokes visit family relation for a change, interact with small children, observe different types of festivals etc. In this way, family provides reservation to all of its members.e)Function relating to health - Family not only rears the small children but also takes care of both young and old. It looks after the health of its member. It takes care of sick and disabled persons. As a whole, family takes up the responsibility of health and vigour of its member.
nice article